Acadians (Cajuns) originating from the West coast of France (Poitou) first settled Nova Scotia in 1604. They called Nova Scotia, "l'Acadie" - hence the word "Acadien". On the onset of the "French and Indian War" which pitted France and Britain as mortal enemies, the Acadiens, aka the French Neutrals, who would not fight against their native Mi'kmaq Indian friends & family or the French, were brutally deported by the British in what is known as "Le Grand Dérangement of 1755".

They were scattered throughout the world and in the 13 colonies were considered "prisoners of war" where they lived in "concentration camp like areas" until 1763. Half of their population were destroyed in this genocidal diaspora. Many chose to settle in French and Spanish South Louisiana starting approximately 1764 rather than risk going back to Nova Scotia to be subjects of the "hated empire" that murdered their families and seized and destroyed every inch of their properties.
Creoles were originally descendants of early French and Spanish settlers in the New World. The term "creole" became very popular in the colony. It was used to apply to people and things native to the colony. The word comes from the Spanish "criollo" meant "a child born in the colony". The term first applied to natives of the West Indies, Central and South America, and the Gulf States region, but eventually became synonymous with the race of people found in all of Louisiana.
Intermarriages with other ethnic groups were lower among the people of Cajun descent than people of Creole descent. Although these two did mix, the Cajun ethnic group remained less diverse than the Creole group.
Cultural renaissance is being experienced by both of these sister cultures. We are of the same family of ethnicity and should stand united and proud in family love as the world gets a "taste" of the pride we call "home".
Posted in response to a Facebook post by the group "Creole, French Creoles with ties to Louisiana" - Post: "Is the term "Cajun" overriding the Creole ethnic group?"